Punts is a multi purpose word that can be used as a replacement for any verb or noun when speaking to another who understands the meaning of punts. Punts is a magical word and allows for free speech when in the company of those who can not comprehend punts. Punts can be put in any sentence at any time, without judgment or questioning.
What about punts?
I really want to punt that punt tonight.
I really need her to give me a great punt.
Thats puntin' sweet.
Thats fuckin puntariffic and puntastic all in one !
by The Professional Punt October 22, 2007
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A female teacher on the Marnix College (The Netherlands) in Ede. She's in her begin 30's and is known for her misspellings and extensive notes. Her profession is Geography.
Ms. Punte said we should learn page 83 until 105 about developing countries, plus the notes.
by Wolf of Darkness August 7, 2003
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to abort something in the works, and do something different
im going to go home and tell my wife i went to a strip club...and punt
by markiewiczm September 7, 2007
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stop being a punt u bitch
by crackhead69dick December 30, 2020
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A whore ass word for pussy.
"Damn, did you see Sav's fine punt?"
"Yeah man, it was loose as hell."
by Jerkin Slo March 18, 2004
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to kick something, usually a ball.
a drop punt from 50 metres is beautifully delivered by matthew richardson!
by ash October 29, 2004
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