A stuffed monkey that was once used on a 5 year old as a wipe for its shitty, crusty asshole
I saw that kid using a puddy monkey on its crusty asshole!
by PuddySlays January 20, 2019
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A coworker who cries about working too many long shifts.
Nate is such a puddy wuddy.
by Crybabyscoworker November 20, 2015
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Thick puddy-like substance between the butt cheeks
Man i have bad butt puddy.
by MTMan21 March 1, 2014
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Semen that comes out of the tip of a penis which is so pasty that the girl's crack appears to be puddied shut.
I unloaded so much penis puddy in her crack last night.
by puddypooper April 14, 2008
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Puddy Tang, a noun, an animals name.
Mark: Did you see Kimberly's Puddy Tang?

Jeff: Yea that sure was a good looking pussy cat!
by Jerry309h August 28, 2010
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A person who has no life or people skills.A person who doesn't keep up on all the latest current events or trends.No clue at all about anything.Lives a very simple home body life and doesn't go out much and interact with people.
Alot of young kids would say this about their parents.My father has no clue what its like to be a kid these days.Father,things were much different when i was a kid.My friend who is 58 is a puddy duddy,hes worked just about everyday of his life never going out and socializing.All he has to talk about is his work.He tries to interact with us younger guys and is boring and totally outa touch with things.
by gary_malcontent August 2, 2010
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