:The condition of stay childish constantly.
:Kid at heart.
:Unable to grow up.
Retarded kid:
Sophisticated man:
Loooks like someone is suffering from peter pan syndrome.
by Makeyourselfsick July 10, 2005
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He is Peter Pan...fully embodying the forever youthful Peter Pan.
Spieling Peter Pan is Peter Pan.
by Polaroid_heart July 27, 2011
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believes they deserve to have whatever they want, lazy, slacker, believes fun is the most important thing in life, does the minimum to get by, life lacks direction, avoids responsibilities, people tell them they are childish and need to grow up, would rather live in their head than the real world, wants success to just happen to them, focuses on fantasies more than reality, never know what to do next, does not feel they have any reason to accomplish anything, tend to ignore or put off problems, believes fun is the most important thing in life, most people think they are crazy, forgets scheduled appointments, motivated more by the past or now than future, gets attention through negative behavior
Feeling her parents should provide everything she wanted, Heather refused to get a part time job so she could party more. Heather was suffering from Peter Pan Complex.
by SnapsProvolone October 17, 2009
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a bitch who has short hair and tries to get at your boyfriend. typically ugly, thin, and stupid.
That Peter Pan hoe stared at my boyfriend.
by acoldrainyday January 27, 2016
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noun; (aka: PPS) The phenomenon of refusing to fully grow up, by remaining in a youthful state of mind all, or most, of the time. Usually the one adult that kids always want to play with them at family gatherings as they are much funner than other adults and still retain a good sense of imagination and aren't always bitching about life.

PPS is typically a good thing, causing people to be happier in life. In rare cases PPS can be fatal if the person having it takes dares from 5 year olds, but this is rare.

People with PPS tend to be inverts, as they have realized that 99.8% of people are ass holes and back stabbers.
Pers 1) That guy that started the mosh pit at the concert last night must have been like 50 or so, he was cool as shit.

Pers 2) Yeah, that guy has a serious case of Peter Pan Syndrome.
by Fuckin Slayer Fan April 10, 2022
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A phrase used in reference to an "Emo Kid"...

"Emo Kids" are called emo "kids" because they all eventually grow up and realize they just looked retarded and were annyoing. This phenonmna usually happens after the "emo kid" finishes high school, begins smoking pot, and then starts listening to either jam bands, classic rock, metal, industrial, or all the above.
An "Emo Peter-Pan" is an "Emo kid" that doesn't make this healthy transistion into adulthood and grow up. Instead they forever remain an "emo kid" listening to bands such as "Taking back sunday" and "my chemical romance" while they rock their badly cut greasy black hair and too tight jeans, which looks 100x more ridiculous at 35 then it did when they fell into this retardation when they were a teenager. Also see: "sexually deprived" & "pathetic"
Christy: Omg, I just saw a 30 year old emo kid, it was so pathetic.
Sam: Oh that guy nextdoor? He's been like that since he was 19... total "Emo Peter-Pan".
by Princess Puffin Muffin May 11, 2010
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