Originating on the Belguim Music Tour 2011, 'Gazza Par' is like an ordinary par only with ten times the insult or ten times the effect.
Oh, that is a Gazza Par

Gazza be parring

That is a G par right there

Ultimate Gazza Par

Gazza be parring hardcore
by GazzaParrKid July 26, 2011
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Quite possibly the most kick-ass, ridiculously ridiculous region in all of NFTY.
*At NFTY Convention 2009*

"Hey, who are all those sweet kids over there? They look like they've got the most ruach here!"

"Oh, they're NFTY-PAR of course!"
by Jake Hershman June 6, 2009
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An obnoxiously long line of cocaine. Derives from the long holes on golf courses - par fives.
I am exhausted, please cut up a par 5 for me so i can make it to all 8 clubs tonight.
by RobDB May 29, 2008
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Par is short for party. When something is good you would use mad par!
Are you going to that mad par tomorrow night?
Lets par tonight!
by Comets15 November 9, 2010
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When all golfers in a group make a par on a hole.
"We all made par? That's a par mitzvah!"
by Shopsy June 5, 2021
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A golf term for taking a par on a hole when a bogey or worse was made. A polite way of saying the other player is cheating.
"Nice Jimmy Par you cheater, 5 foot putts are not gimmes"
by T-bone65 October 30, 2008
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