Information on celebrity news, gossip, fashion, and movies from the New York
Post's gossip columns.
those page six writers can show up anywhere! you have to be careful
by alexi-shmoo-love July 3, 2005
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A terrifying page from City of lost souls (Cassandra Clare's Series The mortal instruments) It's often ripped out of the book and burned or otherwise destroyed. Most fans deny its existence.

Don't even mention it, it's awfulness in person
"Omg last night I cried when I read page 511"
"What page? There isn't a page 511 in city of lost souls, what do you mean?"
by ZaraFey April 26, 2016
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Glamour pornography of a topless woman found on page 3 of a British tabloid
by Gumba Gumba February 22, 2004
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Jimmy Page is the best guitarist ever, despite ripping off music from other blues men like Muddy Waters. He could play all good styles of music and was amazing live. And why the hell does the first definition say he played originally for Zeppelin? He was originally a session guitarist, then he went on to play for the Yardbirds, following in the footsteps of Eric Clapton, and his childhood friend, Jeff Beck.
Jimmy Page is one of the most creative guitarists of all time.
by David K. January 16, 2004
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The most photographed woman ever. Queen of the pin-ups in the 1950's & the source of the term "She's a real Bettie/Betty"
Bettie Page appeared in the Jan 1955 Playboy
by DharmaZen May 31, 2004
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Derogatory term or nickname for the sex offender registry.
Guy Says To Cop,this guy owes us six hundred dollars.
How did you get his adress? asked the cop
We found it on the skinner page,my buddy replied..
its how we find all the skinners i check it weekly to make sure my kids are safe and to make sure i dont need to be up all nite cleaning my guns.
by March 6, 2008
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