Slang for feeling chemistry with another person. It is that feeling in the pit of your stomach when your eyes meet across a room that indicates attraction on a primal level.

Pow simply is there ...or isnt. There is no way to create pow with another person if it does not exist.
It doesn't matter how nice he is or how much money he has, if there is no pow....there is no pow.
by phaedrapixie August 8, 2009
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What to whisper in your lover's ear when it hurts, but there ain't no turning back now.
"I can't...breathe..."
"Shhh, pa-pow-pow, baby. Pa-pow-pow."
by Moogle343 July 15, 2008
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Derived from Prisioner of War- refers to extremly ugly woman
OMFG that chick is a POW, Meaning they are malnourished, unloved, neglected and filthy
by DVS DOGG May 22, 2006
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Slang for powdery snow

See Der
by BiG nELLs January 24, 2005
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an ecphonesis used when some nice big ol' titties or a nice shelf type booty is spotted.
"Man, dem titteez was like, POW!."

"Man, dat ass was like, POW!
by corn master October 3, 2002
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Making out with the girl all night then you tell her she's no prize and she throws her drink at you? You're a real pow.
by white gloved monkey January 31, 2009
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