A person who is over weight, very stupid and tends to have a big nose. A common fat oaf is Brio Kirk. A fat oaf is commonly known in Latin as a fattius oafius
Hey Brio Kirk you fat oaf

Look at Brio, what a fat oaf
by DonnaKirk February 10, 2020
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some who is very obese suffers eating problems. and when your eyes meet their faces you have searious mental damage.
i'll have that muffin you fat oaf.
by Olivia and rosie May 21, 2005
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The drink of choice of an oaf.
Man that guy's drinkin on some oaf-tang.

Man that guy must have drank his oaf-tang today.
by dk4life March 2, 2005
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A more apt name for the far right extremist group, the Oath Keepers. Far from being "revolutionaries" or "patriots" they were by-and-large a collection of drunken, low-IQ clowns, buffoons and losers. In a word: Oafs.
Oh look... Cletus, Goober an the rest of the Oaf Keepers are going to be holding a rally in front of the public library this weekend to support the banning of books about the history of slavery in America. Which is laughable because none of those dolts even know how to read.
by Dr. Ahjit M'drarz September 15, 2023
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The laughingstock of the group.
Shreeto: *Exists*
Person 2: what's so funny? she is just walking around
Person 1: ... Don't you know she is the Town Oaf?
by Radiotrophic Gint August 1, 2022
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Chord The Oaf is one who lacks a mindbrain. What he lacks in intelligence he makes up for in brute strength. Unfortunately his nether regions did not attain the same massiveness that his muscles did. Often times Chord The Oaf can claim the title of Googus. He takes his orders from Orndrew and is married to Ormily.
Orndrew allowed Chord The Oaf to wed Ormily.
by TheGoogus July 10, 2022
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A person who is super self-absorbed and arrogant, but at the same time is an uncultured-swine. This phrase would most likely be used around your close friends, as a playful insult to their intelligence and other aspects of their personality.
by FuckAllOfYou... April 23, 2017
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