a person, often female, whose sole reason for attending a gym is for the romantic/financial pursuit of, relationship with, or marriage to a swole person.
“Jessica, who never works out, just got a super expensive membership to the influencer gym downtown and now all she wears is creased leggings. She must be muscle-digging.”
by WiseManTwiceSaid February 11, 2023
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A person who attains muscular definition or gain in the arms primarily through masturbation. One must not uniformly masturbate or masturbate solely with one arm if he is to achieve a significant or aesthetically pleasing result. Ways to fully utilise this workout include but are not limited to:
Set arm days
Switching arms halfway through masturbation
Freestyle (recommended for experienced users only)
''Wow your arms are so big you must workout loads!'' girl says flatteringly while feeling on arm.

''Not that much to be honest with you I'm just naturally endowed,'' typical lie said by happy user of MM method.

''Those are definitely masturbation muscles,'' murmurs a well-educated onlooker to his friend enviously.
by cheesyballs January 26, 2014
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Oh Muscles Glasses, where do we begin? He's the muscley French-Canadian guy off Epic Meal Time! That sexy man will eat anything. And I like to watch.
Me: I only watch EMT to watch Muscles Glasses eat. It's a turn on.
by lindseyyyywhatwhat August 10, 2011
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The triceps; they are the muscles that a man uses to support himself while having sex in the missionary position.
Oh man, I was on top of Renee for two hours last night and now my missionary muscles are killing me.
by silasmeister May 2, 2010
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When you are able to talk shit via text but not in person
Joe (while showing Jackie his phone): Wow, do you believe all the crap Ashley is saying?

Jackie: Yeah, her text muscles are really showing tonight.
by KyleReese July 8, 2010
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A muscle station can be any group of 4 or more men (often blokes), congregated around an object with arms folded.

Valid objects include:

Anything that is broken that one of the group does not know how to fix.
The engine bay of a car
A motorbike
Bar tables
A television showing an important sporting event.
A female or group of females (often attractive)
Other muscle stations (Beware: Do not attempt to set up more than two separate muscle stations around the same object, this will result in conflict.)

The rules of the muscle station are unspoken as all worthy men know these rules instinctively.
There is often a feeling of equality and harmony whilst in a muscle station and any attempt to disrupt the group may be met with the equivalent of a look of disapproval : ಠ_ಠ
Conversations like these may immediately preclude the setting up of a muscle station:

Conversation Example 1:

Bloke 1: "This motorcycle appears to have a misfire in the third cylinder"
Bloke 2: "Spark plug"
Bloke 3: "Fuel filter"
Bloke 4: "Let me take a look"
<A Muscle station is formed while the group silently assess Bloke 4's performance and mechanical prowess>

Example 2:
With Barbecues, the muscle station will often form prior to any conversation taking place.

Bloke 1: "Did you see that ludicrous display last night?"
Bloke 2: "What was Wenger thinking sending Walcott on so early?"
Bloke 3: "Thing about Arsenal is, they always try to walk it in."
Bloke 4: "I put a pony on Liverpool...etc"
Bloke 5: "Dude, you're burning the steak!"
<A comment like this would render the muscle station extremely unstable>
by pwnd_lol September 29, 2009
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