Used often in Dublin, Ireland to signify:

A) Something big

B) Someone who is a legend

Pronounced: Bleedin' Massif
A) It was bleeding massive!
"You won't fit that in me, it's bleeding massive!!"

B) Ah, sure you're only bleeding massive!
by Bitchiness October 24, 2010
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Someone who is an absolute stain and pisses everyone off he or she meets.
"Oi Mol, Seen that guy at the bar in that rhinstone t-shirt sipping his stella!"

"Yeah Smig what about him?!"

"He's a Massive Wool!"
by smig_as December 20, 2011
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A person willing to slime their way to the top. Someone who may act differently in order to gain favouritism to benefit themselves. Often found with traces of excrement around their nose or mouth.
Doyll Twats is a massive lick isn't he?
by Postal worker February 9, 2018
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Angerly molesting someone out of hatred and not out of lust but hatred
Friend: joe just got massively molested I wonder who did it

Me: I did it

Friend: stay the f away from me
by Massive molester March 19, 2020
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Referring to a large amount of semen.
Nick blew his massive load all over my forehead.
by Nig_Nog-1 October 13, 2016
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A dick that keeps a female coming back for more and more
A dick that ranges between 10-25 inches
Damn daddy's massive dick hurt me, now I have no walls.
by lala LA April 18, 2014
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Drake: Dude, I put a Massive load into Jenny last night!
Josh: Sick bro!
by Put a dick in me now April 2, 2019
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