A jake is someone you just always want to talk to. yeah he may have a past but he has changed into an amazing person that you can trust. he always knows exactly what to say when your sad. he aways wants to make you laugh and be happy. he has the greatest hair and his eyes are just fucking goals. he is always there for you and you can tell him anything anf everything without you judging him.over all jake is just a really good guy
girl 1:" yeah so geuss what!"
girl 2:"what!"
girl 1:" me and jake have a thing!"
girl 2: "wtf why wasnt he a fuckboy!?"
girl 1: beleive what you want but jake had a rough past but hes changed now."
by player244466666688888888 March 4, 2017
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The act of flexing for no fucking reason and making everyone around said person feel bad and thinks they are being humble about it, usually after an assessment.
Did we all just get jaked on?
by ManHandlingCheese November 23, 2018
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To be completely intoxicated from alcohol. Extremely drunk. (especialy from Dewars or Glenfiddich, maybe Guinness).
Yo fool, you should of seen Paul last night, man....he was JAKED!
by Brizzock May 18, 2003
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During sexual intercourse, the act of two partners facing each other, and one puts their partners legs over their own shoulders while suspending them in the air by holding their ass. All of this, while thrusting vigorously.
"He was Jakeing that shawty all night long"
Verb: "Yo, that chicks like 5'1 and 100 pounds. You could totally jake her: like mad easily".
by CedTruz March 30, 2016
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1. To become creepily overly obsessed with another person early on in a realationship or friendship

2. To tell a girl 'I love you' way too early in the relationship

3. To tell someone you are basically their boyfriend

4. To always be at your locker
1. He's totally jakeing and telling me he loves me every two minutes!

2. It's been one day and he's already told me he loves me! He's totally jakeing.

3. He's jakeing and telling me I'm his boyfriend

4. He left class early to meet me at my locker. He's jakeing hardcore.
by ClingyBitch October 21, 2013
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The coolest term of a man overcoming his own fear,
Sup Jake !

Yo Jake !
by Shean Paul December 1, 2021
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An absolute fucking beast who is tall handsome and has a donkey cock Jakes normally have hot girlfriends
by Juventesfan69 December 16, 2019
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