excuse used originally by a discord user called ''bleta'', used to cover brad phrasing.
Muffin, that was 2 isolated events!
by gabychiku May 18, 2019
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Burnout from extended quarantine due to the Covid-19 or any other pandemic.
Kelly was about to lose her mind due to isolation fatigue.
by Lou Lou Cat May 19, 2020
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(uh-pin-yuh-tiv; eye-so-lait-shun)
1. When a person has an opinion that is different than/opposes the popular opinion, but everyone except that person follows the popular opinion, creating an isolation of that person in the opinion's subject matter because there is barely anyone else that follows/ agrees with the person's opinion or a similar opinion.

Ex: "Paper Mario Sticker Star and Color Splash are better than Super Paper Mario and TTYD (The Thousand Year old Door)."
I feel opiniotive isolation because I think water tastes better evaporated.
by Other_Person June 16, 2020
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the act of focusing on an appealing portion of a person's body with a general disregard for the undesirable regions
Steve: Could you isolate the variable on that?
John: You know it. She's huge, but those are some mighty fine sweater cows.

Bill: You see that?!?!
James: You serious? She's hideous.
Bill: C'mon you gotta isolate the variable.
James: You right. She needs to turn back around though.
by tmack41 June 10, 2011
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When a person masters the skill of self-isolation, social distancing and quarantining themselves during a pandemic. An excruciating practice to be involved with if you are an extrovert, however seemingly easy for introverts as they normally self-isolate on a regular basis. The art of isolation is important for humanity on so many levels during worldly pandemics and other devastating events.
Person 1: How are you going with mastering the art of isolation?
Person 2: I am trying but I miss seeing everyone and hugging them.

Person 1: Oh yeah. It's a lot easier for me. Isolating myself is what I do normally as an introvert.
by MMZMTS April 8, 2020
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...is a wonderful German Band. Many Songs are about Depression, Isolation and such topics.

Buy their merch!
Bro, I recently got into Isolation Berlin, now I'm addicted to them and constantly crying!
by Terrakottajojo March 26, 2020
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