when a woman is hott out of the persons mind, and he/she has cant configure any other word at the time.
girl walks by....
boy#1-damn, did you see her.
boy#2-hell yeah, she was dumb hott!
by samiiii July 22, 2008
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amazing, mind blowing, really great, attractive, good, etc.
Those shoes are rockin hott!
That guy is rockin hott!
by April Fritzinger December 20, 2007
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The hott-like qualities, or the level of hottness someone or something has. Can be used to describe inanimate objects that are really cool.
"That book has some high hott-ictivity!"

"Her hott-ictivity is close to 11/10, or 110%!"
by Alymay March 31, 2006
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When your keyboard gets so hot that the keys start to melt, this can result in accidental repetition of letters and unnecessary capitalisation.
Itts Very Hott ttoday, isn'tt itt? My TT key seems to be sticking tto tthe keyboard.
by robcraine November 21, 2005
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The hottest man you cant touch.
He will use his sexy manly ways to get you to do what he wants. Beware! He's quite possibly the hottest man you know! With just one look he can have you on your hands and knees. (scrubbing the floors...or otherwise)
Jen: who is THAT???
Emily: oh, that's Hott Boss...bad idea, but you can definitely look 8D
Jen: mhmm....that he is ::drooooooool::
by Yesimlookin April 15, 2010
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Synonym for jizz commonly used in Wisconsin and other parts of the Midwest.
Freddy got his hott cheese all over my face last night. Way to go Freddy.
by Hott Cheese September 4, 2016
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