The act of not taking a break at all but telling your friends you are trying really hard to do so.
Amit-"How are you feeling about the breakup?"
Melissa-"I'm trying my best to move on. I think im gonna take a break from dating."
Amit-"Don't you like that guy from the beach?"
Melissa-"A ton."
Amit-"Oh, I see. So you're taking The Hale Break."
by the fat meat April 13, 2010
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Malia Hale is a female character on teenwolf. She is in a relationship with Stiles and is a werecyote. Malia doesn't know how to really care except for Stiles. She is still learning that. She is not good at math. Malia is related to Peter Hale.
"Malia Hale is learning at caring."
by obrien;) January 5, 2015
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A cuntry ass Motherfucker that drives a loud ass, shitbox Chevy Suburban and kills furry animals with his Slock Stick.
You know Jake Hale?
Yeah sumbitch drives that shitbox suburban
by LoudAssSuburban1989 May 7, 2019
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A person that is usually often crazy, over bearing, and hard to understand. This person will always be someone you can't stop thinking about and someone that you miss and think about every single day and regret ever letting go of.
by ProDrummer5000 December 18, 2016
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Someone who is named Haley, and is very jumpy and hyper and always happy and never gets bored. Has lots of friends, if you mess with her friends, she will come after you. Comes from Halley's Comet. Usually used by her Best Friends.
That girl is so haley!
Hale Bop is so hyper!
by Halleyybopp February 3, 2010
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"The British tried to detain me, so I had to swallow 3 grams of Nathan Hale!"
by Hardcore as Jello April 30, 2008
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When your bitch is giving you head, then instead of swallowing your cum, she inhales.
Guy: Dang bae, you given some nice head.
Bae: Cough! Cough! I think I Cum-hale.
by Jigglelowski January 8, 2015
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