is like be awesome, spend a wonderful time
I bet they had a blast
by Okkli August 29, 2017
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To go to a party and you don't know anyone, to sit in a chair looking dangerous, go to sleep in that same chair and wake up with no hair.
JJ: What the fuck?! What the hell happened to my hair??

TT: You've just bin had mate.
by LozzaK902 January 19, 2009
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An expression used by latinos (People from hispanic descendence) when something weird, strange, wrong or without any reason happens in daily life blaming their ethnicity.
Latino 1: Dude, three people crashed just around the corner that is coming to your house!

Latino 2: As always... They had to be gringos.. !
by Tato9412 January 27, 2011
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An organization created for creating havoc in the future. Must have -had at the end of names of members. Created by the ultimate brey, Joe-had,Li-had, and Lo-had.
Join Brey-had James, you can be called J-had.
by g-had July 15, 2014
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To be extremely upset about something; to have a paroxysm of anger, fear, or pain; a shit-fit.
When she came home to find him fornicating with her prize azalea bushes, she just about had a kitten.
by Donkeyfly July 8, 2013
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To be beaten usually in an argument which involves comebacks.
To be made a fool of
Jerk - "Yo mommas so fat..."
*No laughs*
Cool guy - "Fuck you bitch!"
Cool guys friend - "You just got had off Jerk!"
by Callum S June 24, 2008
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