Smoking marijuana, enjoying things that are "green".
Bill: "What are you doing this afternoon?" Jeff: "Going over to Meghan's, we are planning on greening and watching cartoons "
by rnnrdad March 27, 2017
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Another word for marijuana of all types and quality.
by silverfucked July 8, 2003
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My ONLY desire is YOU!

It is that simple ❤️❤️

I want to be a hostess dessert!!!
I am so crazily in love with you that I wear a green tie!!!!

I want one day with you!!!! Soon!!!! Soon could never be soon enough!!!
I love YOU!!!!
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green simply means feeling horny or sexually aroused when your with your significant other. green makes you happy and very friendly ;)

made by kim & ola.
damn im mad green right now, are you? damn i've been green all day, let me pipe alreaddddy.
by olaa :) January 20, 2011
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Blue mixed with yellow forms a color of green.
Things that are green.




any member of the Cabbage family including the following, "Kale, Cabbage, Broccoli, Collards,"




The Irish

by Saints October 19, 2003
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v. Being a caring steward of the planet, a lover of unspoiled terrain, a freaking hippie.

Where’s Jerome? Greening over at the pipeline protest? I just detailed his hummer and I needs my money.
by gnostic3 March 17, 2019
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Green is not a creative colour
Seen in the web-series dhmis
by Theepsxoxo August 17, 2019
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