Someone who is ALWAYS correcting ANYONE'S grammar.
Person 1: Hey wgat's up?
Grammar Nazi: *what's
Person 1: Grrr. Y do u always correct me when we're texting?
Grammar Nazi: *Why *you
Person 1: -rages-
by QueenOfSpades13 July 17, 2013
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One who annoys the shit out of others for his love for the German race and English grammar.
A real grammar Nazi picks on Jewish people with bad grammar.
by ashmadallah March 12, 2015
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teacher who feels grammer or spelling is as important as original thought, content, or a logical argument.
my writing class grading system as a freshman
30% grammer and mechanics
30% themes and creativity
20% content and structure
10% other bullshit

me: isn't structure a part of mechanics?
teacher: that sort of thinking is why you got a C on your last paper
me: actually, you took twenty points because i spell there the same way for all three uses, spelt the same word wrong four times, and i like commas more than periods. And start sentances with and, and another 10 for the words ass, shit, and crap. your fuckerness astounds me, you dumbass grammar nazi.
by white_fox October 12, 2006
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An person who don't like poor grammars and will make attempt to correct you're poor grammar.
If you gave me a thumbs down for the grammar in my definition, then you are a grammar nazi.
by boribori90 December 13, 2008
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being consciously unable to escape from one's ability to correct other's pronunciation of words and phrases, such to a degree that it feels as though you are trapped with the choice of correcting or not correcting the speaker's mispronounced word or sentence back to them in the correct form. much to your dismay rather than intellectual conceit.
A: ooh you took off your shirt. how sensoral

B: (thinks to self): wrong word! she means sensual! i shoul--no! don't correct her! you have a chance at sex!

-from the web-comic 'Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal'

this is an example dilemma of being a prisoner of words (p.o.w) in a Grammar Nazi Camp.
by -Branson Trellcous December 8, 2010
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Another word for a dictionary, often used by inexperienced Grammar Nazis who haven't already memorized the damn thing.
random guy: Hey dude, just because I don't know how to spell illiturut doesn't mean i'm stupid

Novice Grammar Nazi: HOW THE HELL COULD YOU MISSPELL on let me check me check my Grammar Nazi Handbook for a second...ILLITERATE!?!? HOW THE FUCK COULD YOU NOT GET THAT RIGHT DUMBASS?!??

random guy: what the fuck.....
by Akrylik September 2, 2009
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An unspoken admission by a pseudo-intellectual that they lost the argument. It happens when they change the topic to grammar and spelling because they couldn't win the argument on the original topic .
John: What is 2 plus 2?
Jane: 2 plus 2 equals 5
John: 2 pluss 2 does not equal 5, it equals 4
Jane: plus* not pluss
John: Your still wrong, the answer is 4.
Jane: You're* not Your.
John: Will you stop with the Grammar Nazis remarks
by The Anti-Grammar Nazi April 4, 2018
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