1.A dog treat that is loved by certain dogs that get so excited when you say "goober? goober? wanna goober???"that they cock their head sideways and stick their ears up sometimes they get so excited they just freeze up and urinate (or pee) themselves.
2. It also can also sometimes be a small piece of candy.
John: Skeeter!?! Ya wanna goober?!?!? Goober yeah?!?! Ya wanna goober skeeter?!?! Goober?!?!?
Skeeter: (while cocking head sideways) woof woof (with a slight hint of doggy moaning)
Christina: Ewww skeeter did you just pee all over the floor again??????!!!!!?????
Skeeter:woof woof
John: yeah I offered him a goober
Christina: stop doing that!!!!!! Mom!!! skeeter peed on the floor again!!!! Clean it please
Mom: Ok honey!
by iliketurtlesalot November 2, 2009
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Someone who is usually stupid, does not ever get an inside joke you made three minutes ago, and everyone thinks they are just super annoying.
Man, ever since Bailey started coming to this school, she has been such a goober lately.
by memekong February 22, 2017
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It is a USB Drive which is a shortened version of USB, which is a shortened version of Universal Serial Bus
First used by Peter B. Parker but used many other Spider-Men.

It can refer to a "USB key, Override key, Bypass key, Virus key, Who cares key i can never remember"
1)Hey, do you have that goober for the school assignment?
2)What the hell is a goober???
by meth bitch June 14, 2023
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The space between a man’s penis and anus, sometimes covered with hair and is soft
Example: “My goober is Itchy because of the combined power of my ball sweat and shit stuck and tangled in my pubes”
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Someone who is an idiot or an incompetent. Does things stupidly- is stupid.
person 1: to person 2 my girlfriend is such a goober.
person 2: haha what an idiot!
by goob01 March 23, 2019
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The act of slobbing someone down on all parts of body. Usually a sexual act. The goober has been used out threw the sitcom "Martin" by Cole.
Dude I was one second from giving the girl the goober.
by DildoBaggins1 June 25, 2018
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