A lovely patch of grass, situated just south of the village, next to the park. I used to walk my dog through there, until he died..
by chazzo April 16, 2006
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something men will never find don’t waste ur time and just do it with a woman
brad never fails to rub me in the wrong ways he can never find the g spot
by urmommysbitch June 25, 2021
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In men, the prostate, which is only for the adventurous or gay male as it can only be tracked down a couple of inches inside the anus (though not ALL men can find theirs this way).

For the adventurous, here's how to (maybe) find it: Take a crap and cut your nails first (advisable), sit in the bath, lube your middle finger with some soap and insert it carefully into the anus about to the 2nd knuckle, then bend it and aim for the back of your dick. Its easier to find if your dick is erect at the time and feels like a small fleshy doughnut. Find the centre. Press. Stimulate it in a rythymic way and its possible to have an arse orgasm!
Dear Diary, today I found my G-spot, and now I can't get it out of my head that I might have to grow a moustache and learn to walk like Wilma.
by ..WiL May 18, 2005
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A nickname for the eraser-head control on a laptop, found between the G and the h that is used to control the cursor.
Does your new laptop have a touchpad or a G-spot.
by virtual December 17, 2003
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2 inches deep and up in the pussy-hole. That is why it is good to have a rough bent up cock.
you lose the head of your penis when you get your dick surgically enchanced.
by Shiga Diga May 28, 2003
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1. Guelph. Everyone's favourite southern Ontario, farm-town-turning-city. Proud home of the "Aggies" (students at the University of Guelph's founding agricultural college).

The term "G-Spot" is an affectionate yet belittling term used mainly by U of G students from Toronto (read: T-Dot) who feel that Guelph is too small and un-urban, and who thusly feel the need to impose their "big city styles" on a farming town that somehow has a decent university. They begin by cutting the town's name down to it's first letter, "G", and adding the ever cool "-Spot" to the name.

This is a reference to an area on the inside of the vagina which is the equivalent of a female sexual sweet spot. As a site of high nerve concentration, stimulating the g-spot during intercourse is said to induce great pleasure. Likewise, Guelph can be a great source of pleasure for those who don't mind the smell of manure on-campus.
"Aggie bastards ... Piled out of their pick-up truck and swarmed me while I was coming back from the G-spot LCBO. Fuckers took my beer."
by skells January 19, 2005
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Like unicorns and other mythical creatures it is legendary and mysterious. For the sake of popularity and social dominance some often claim to see these "legends" and at the same time in reality they exist only to render inspirational and imaginary thoughts :)
1) g-spot = unicorn

2) "Dude..last night i played with my girlfriends g-spot and made her orgasm".

"Yeah right!,and I rode a unicorn to the palace of the fairy queen".
by fat wyt guy May 29, 2009
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