A free for all fighting game on Roblox
Usually infested with kids that say ez after every kill to vent their built up anger of getting shoved into a locker at school constantly
Person:*dies of technology spam*
Abused kid: gg ez lol
Person: I don’t like Elemental Battlegrounds
by Toasty the bosty August 21, 2020
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1. Non-demonic, unexplainable apparition or entity that exists at the edge of human sensory frequency.

2. Spirit, being, apparition or entity which inhabits nature; can effect environment by means found within nature. Sometimes attributed to being a fairy or protector of nature.
1. An apparition or entity that cannot be fully perceived is called an elemental or elemental ghost. Something that moves too fast for the human sensory range is perceived as a blur and cannot be seen clearly due to its rate exceeding the frequency where it will properly be perceived.

We saw an elemental ghost last week, it appeared as an unexplainable black haze moving quickly effecting the environment around it.

2. There's elemental ghosts found all over the German black forest!
by HollowPain October 16, 2012
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When you have to cum but you hold it in until your testicals explode.
"I think I have to cum."
"Don't hold it in or you might have an elemental explosion."
"I'll hold it in."
by DustorGold_KYS May 5, 2017
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The state of being in a perfect euphoria as a result of the ideal level of alcohol and drugs intoxicating one's body. Also known as "buzzment".

"I've just reached my buzz element."

"Man, you must be in your buzzment."
by Jerawo December 22, 2006
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when writing (normally in a book) or a film/movie has the reader/audience surprised by an action or a fact
They were relying on the element of surprise to win the game.
by BALOPER February 5, 2021
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A anatomically perfect bird in every form spoilt by the the fact she`s a pissed as arseoles and talking an alien jibberish form of speech the same as the actress MILA JOVOVICH in the classic 1997 Sci Fi "THE 5th ELEMENT"
"ere who was that lass you were at the bar with jeff?"

"Fuck knows Ian, I couldnt get nee fuckin sense oot of er, musta been that bird from the fifth element"

"oh reet!"
by Upper Class Twit August 17, 2007
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An astoundingly large, fat and meaty person, whose flab is so expansive they seem to be made of melted butter.
We have a strict "No fat chicks" policy; all lardasses, hambeasts, thunder thighs, and level 47 butter elementals will be prosecuted
by Saxby Chambliss May 21, 2009
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