fat person that wears a thong...and the but cheecks flap around(usually said by male partner)
hun your ass looks like dumbo ears!!
by bob hastle February 20, 2004
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The process of hovering over a dirty toilet seat to take a crap so you do not get your back end covered in germs.
I had to drop the Cosby kids off at the pool, but some one left their juice on all the toilet seats. Luckily, I remembered a trick my 2nd grade teacher taught me and performed an Operation Dumbo Drop.
by Bhobby November 23, 2008
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Dunking one's balls into a mouth full of fresh Canadian maple syrup. A proper finish will result in sticky whiskers.
B: Get the maple syrup out. I'm feeling a bit frisky.
R: Canadian Dumbo Drop, eh?
-----after action-----
B: This syrup feels like it's from Saskatoon, eh?
by Brettholomew2 September 15, 2009
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When a woman's vaginal lips are so large that they flap around.
"...and they were so big I thought she might fly away! like Dumbo down under!"
by Proverbial G November 28, 2007
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A Bowel Movement of extraordinary volume and girth, often requiring a courtesy flush or a plunger.
Stubblecat: I left the fan on and the window open, man. It was totally Operation Dumbo Drop in there.

Moondog: You're not allowed in my house anymore.
by Stubblecat June 6, 2006
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verb;;;, when holding a persons face to your anus by means of grabbing their ears, then farting on their face
As done by creative man a creative bully in school, dumbo gas attacks suck ass (no pun intended)
by facefart July 26, 2009
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Using a manila folder to transport a blunt of massive length, usually 3 to four swishers long.
Dude 1: Hey man this quatre is way to long man... how are we gonna move it to the closet

Dude 2: Grab a folder, we're gonna have to pull an operation dumbo drop
by Mike, Sam, Don, aramis, nate December 11, 2006
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