A guy who gets a girl and dosen't deserve her.
"look at that douche, he cheats on her"
by Chris March 28, 2005
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the guy that walks up to you kicks you in the dick then proceeds to share his accomplishment with everyone within a miles radius while they laugh at your expense
thanks to that douche it stings when i pee
by fucktheheatilovetheconcrete April 15, 2009
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A guy that tells a girl whatever she wants to hear.
James: "I think all men and women are equal"

Kelly: "Awww, you do!?!"

Melanie: "Jared shut up and stop being a douche!"
by Mel326 June 17, 2008
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The more literal usage of the word "douche" refers to something clean and good (a vaginal cleaner). Yet to be called a douche is much more negative. Also can be used as a negative term in other forms, much more common as negative slang than the literal meaning. Similar to the way that a "fuck" is a good thing, but it's never good to be called one ("hey why'd you do that you stupid fuck!?") or to be fucked over, etc.
To put it in perspective:

In the more literal sense of the word:
When I was younger my priest douched me to clean out my evil spirits.

In the slangier, negative sense:
Now that I'm older and undergoing therapy I realize my priest really douched me over!
by pappy July 24, 2004
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After a few drinks Tom was no longer himself, he had unleashed THE DOUCHE!
by cornfields December 27, 2005
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- Who dared to sing "Just the way you are" and "I think I want to mary you"? - A compete douche, forget it.
by Sam79000 April 22, 2011
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(n) 1. The French and Russian word for shower 2. A vaginal cleansing utility 3. (slang) An offensive word describing (v) 1. To clean the vagina
(n.) 1. "Ya shas paydu k~" ("I will go to the shower soon" on Russian) 2. "Can you please hand me the ~ so I may clean my vagina?" 3. "You, my friend, are a ~." (v.) 1. "Leave me alone and let me ~ myself!"
by Danny Kaplun December 18, 2004
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