The ash of the CANNABIS..what's left in your piece, bowl after toking
As the bowl was passed to me it was all ash DUSTED AND DISGUSTED
by ClassicRonnie June 19, 2019
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A member of the military who is clearly too fat for effective performance. Originating from Stanley Kubric's "Full Metal Jacket".
"Are you allowed to eat jelly doughnuts, Private Pyle?"
"Sir, no sir!"
"And why not, Private Pyle?"
"Sir, because I'm too heavy, sir!"
"Because you are a disgusting fatbody, Private Pyle!"
by Lycomedes December 9, 2008
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When you don't shower, live in filth, and sometimes shit yourself while still maintaining a job and somehow can still encourage broken women to play with your diddle.
"Hey, what the fuck is up with that guy?"

"Oh, dont mind him, hes just living his life being a Disgusting Dave"
by Dorothy Valmont April 16, 2020
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It's that look you get from somebody who enters the restroom as you are exiting after having dropped a particularly smelly dump.Many times the unsuspecting victim will stop dead in their tracks as if they had walked into an invisible wall.They may even be taken aback a step or two. The matter is further complicated if the victim is a friend or acquaintance. Future relations will certainly be diminished because you will always be associated with the smell of your shit.
The principal walked into the men's room just as I flushed my mess. The glare of disgust told me I may not graduate this year.
by wolfbait51 April 22, 2011
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An internet discussion board that is not functional for the community of users. It wreaks havoc on organization... and important, viable discussions are swirled into a massive amount of uninformed user statements. Attempt to replace a user forum with these flashy boards is disgusting.
IMVU utilizing salesforce software to replace their user forum has done nothing more than create a Disgustion Board. It is disgusting to try to navigate through all of the crap.
by Notorious Chicka March 31, 2017
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