a person that has anal with guys or girls
jeeze jamie how many guys did u get last nite u've got mayjor shit dick
by bob February 18, 2004
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Becoming intoxicated through the excessive consumption of alcohol. Another term for being drunk.
"Dude want another shot?"

"Naaahhh man, I'm totally shit dicked!"
by B.S. Davi August 29, 2007
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A guy who while in the act of anal intercourse gets defecated on.
Kim Dillon shit on Travis Harrisons dick.
by Cactuar May 6, 2003
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When a guy has a dirty penis or one that is "misshapen" in any way. Also, guys who have smegma.
1) Sarah: "Oh my god! I was going to give Wes a blowjob and his dick was crusty!"

2) Vince: "Dude, look at your shit-dick, what the fuck is wrong with it?"

Charles: "I don't know do the head is weird looking. I'm going to go get it checked out"

Vince: "That's probably a good idea Mr. Shit-dick."
by Sexbombz February 24, 2010
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A term used at a certain person with an extra Chromosome meaning hey that kids a fucking Shit Dick or- Ha.Ha, Look at that fucking kid bro would you rather have a shit dick or a zebra cock?
Sophmore-Joe on the bus " Hey AuStin ha.ha would you Rather Have a Fucking shit dick?, ha..ha or fuck your cat for 3 bucks" Austin usally replies with statements that have nothing to do with the question asked, example "Uhhhhhh well i dont know guys , both for less time?" This is where the term shit dick would be thrown at ,vulgarly and rapidly at Austin by Soph Joe a fellow bus rider who doesn't give a shit about anything or Austin.
by Just another civilian February 8, 2014
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Shit dicks is a term used when expressing anger or disappointment.
Man: Shit dicks, I can't find my tie.

Man 1: Dude, they're out of Coke.
Man 2: Shit dicks, that's my favorite.

Man: Shit dicks, she said she was 18.
by titties12345 August 11, 2011
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