Where two people trust each other so much that they share their passwords to their email account with each other... with consent, that is. Then they look into each other`s stuff because they have nothing to hide from each other.
Mike: Me and Nova had digital sex last night!
Jack: Really? Me and Sarah have digital sex all the time! Turns out she watches the same porn as I do.
Mike: I gotta have digital sex with Nova more often!
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Type of "zoom" found on many digital cameras and camcorders that is completely pointless. All it does is crop your image, resulting in degradation of quality, and can easily be done with any image editing software. Optical zoom is the only zoom that matters since it does not degrade image quality. Camera manufacturers love to advertise their cameras' digital zoom capabilities in really big font, while the optical zoom capabilities are printed really small or not at all. Uneducated consumers will only look at the digital zoom and probably buy the camera based on that.
Person #1: Look, my new digital camera has an 800x digital zoom!
Person #2: You're a moron.
by The Huagmire July 29, 2005
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Any number that has 6 digits is very sexy. They all have some great art linked to them.
Horny guy 1: Hey, any good 6 digits you got for me?
Horny guy 2: Yeah, check out 701611. Its good.
Horny guy 1: Thanks man.
by jizzlewonker March 1, 2021
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One who whores themselves online, be it social networks, online games, and/or webblogs, to acquire either cash or accessories.
Yo man, watch out for ReesePie only X-box live, she's such a digital prostitute....she'll con you out of rent checks, Turtle Beach headsets or even a new Xbox
by Privatepyle316 April 14, 2010
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Avoiding digital activities such as checking your phone and logging into facebook for a meaningful period of time, usually the length of a vacation.
To improve creative thinking and concentration my doctor ordered a digital detox.
by quesondriac August 28, 2013
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From afar via cpu, the creature gave birth to the analog digitalli.
by ZekeOZuela January 25, 2009
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The systematic process of intimidation by hazing an individual using digital communication devices such as a digital mobile phone.
Hazing used to be restricted to the realm of waking conscious direct social experiences. Now digital hazing will allow hazing to be more covert and seem passive.

eg. Billy was a victim of digital hazing at school. The teachers had no idea he was being hazed by the other students until they intercepted a phone with messages on it.

Digital Hazing is considered a form of psychotechnology by some governments.
by Langdon Olger November 7, 2011
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