someone who is a bit of a twat or annoying you
"shut up you crank"
" your boyfrind is a fucking crank"
by jogonjon February 12, 2009
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the worst song and the worst singer (soulja boy) in the history of music that sucks so bad that i question the fact that this song excists or it is an illusion of satan. in 5 years it will probably be as remembered as much the song informer by snow. youve never heard of that song?
Person A: Did you hear that new comedy song crank that ? Its so funny! I love it!

Person B: Thats an actual rap CD

Person A: I have lost all faith in the world
by hulio December 22, 2007
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A cheap form of meth made in trailer kitchens. often causes gritting of teeth, assholeyness, destruction, inability to pay bills, romantic relationships with ones aids infected cousin, and finally complete retardation.
1. Grary nd' nikole loves they crank.

2. The more CRNK I snort the mores i become the hulk.
by the magical muffin September 11, 2004
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to turn the volume of your sound system up real loud
"I love to crank up Metallica and watch the furniture fall apart!"
by Paulie January 7, 2004
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to cry and wank. after one has encountered an unfortunate incident in which they are forced to cry they go away to wank and cry at the same time.
jeremy cranked after ashley smacked him
by ziboi October 18, 2008
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To be simultaneously engaged in the acts of crying and wanking.
If his funds were running particularly low, Junkie Jim could often be found cranking at the local sperm-bank.
by Johnny Darke December 3, 2008
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To engage in dance with companions.
My friends and I were cranking in their car the other day to some Chief Keef.
by Maztotheula April 29, 2015
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