Otherwise known as crack-cocaine, this illegal drug is a mixture of two parts cocaine and one part baking soda. This chemical process reverts the powder-cocaine mkaing process by one step, producing a smokable form of the naturally found alkaloid cocaine. Because of its nature as an inhalable substance, the high is quicker and more intense, leading to a larger number of addicts. In present society, it is considered to be much more distasteful to use crack-cocaine then powder-cocaine as crack is mainly viewed as a drug for poor people whereas powder cocaine is used by a richer constituancy. Contrary to popular belief, crack-cocaine is not freebase cocaine. Freebase cocaine is a mixture of cocaine, ether, and other dangerous and combustable materials. Baking soda was replaced as the ingredient in the 1980's to make production easier and less dangerous. Either way, crack and freebase cocaine produce the same smokable form of the drug.
crack-cocaine is usually found in poor black neighborhoods in the ghetto whereas powder-cocaine is found in rich white suburban neighborhoods.
by nego December 6, 2005
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1. Smokeable cocain
2. A program to unlock trial versions of programs
3. "butt cleavage"
1. Avoid crack addicts
2. I downloaded a crack today. No way was I paying 200 bucks for that program!
3. When the plumber bends down you can see his crack.
by Raych December 28, 2005
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a now obsolete adjective popular as a business buzzword among yuppies in the early eighties. It described a worker who was very smart and very fast-paced.

This meaning of "crack" was forced out by the drug, crack, in the mid-eighties. Sort of like you can't say "gay" to mean "happy" anymore.
That was a good move to hire him; he's crack.
by Dr. Heywood R. Floyd May 20, 2007
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Removing copyright protection from copyrighted software. Commonly used to obtain software without paying for it. Cracking is not by inserting a false or used serial number, but to insert other documents and files into the actual program to make it seem like it was registered by a paying customer, when it actually wasn't.
My friend downloaded Microsoft Word, and is cracking it right now.
by Umbepo July 17, 2005
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Another form of cocaine: 2 parts cocaine to one part baking soda, with a little water, heat gently until a precipitate forms: this is your crack
Why do cokeheads think they're better than crackheads?
by urchin May 14, 2003
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The word originates from the Anglo-Saxon term, "crack" meaning fun.

It possibly dates back as far as Old English or the older Scots dialect and is still used today by Ulster-Scots in Northern Ireland.

Borrowed by the Gaelic Irish and spelt "craic", the term has been picked up by UK journalists in recent years and has re-entered the use of the word (Hiberno-English) in mainland UK.

Dublin journalists in the 1970s frequently spelt the word as "crack" in written articles.
What's the crack?
Aye it was good crack!
To crack a joke
by GoonerGary May 12, 2007
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