an unreal girl who is always to tightly locked away from boys and is a mission to get with. be warned extremely time consuming to make progress however if successful will be an amazing experience.
that girl is a real connie
by the women worshiper January 6, 2023
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connie is a girl who is deeply in love with a guy named takuho, but she secretly also likes gerardo diaz jimenez
omg connie you and takuho are so cute together!
by stupidperson123 November 2, 2020
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Conny is the most georgous Person EVER!!! If you are a friend if her you can calling yourself lucky because she chooses her friends!

If you have a conny in your side you have to keep her! No matter what!!
Person 1: Oh look, that's Conny!
Person 2: Yeah, right... She's a friend if Lisa, isn't she?
Lisa's so lucky to have her!!
by Liiiiiiiiillllllyyyyyyy June 14, 2017
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A short version of the word conservative.

Plural: Connies
Person 1: "Have you heard? Brandon is a conny."
Person 2: "Yeah he's been watching a lot of Ben Shapiro lately."
by Quentiam July 31, 2021
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a construction site where teenagers can go on and knick D.I.Y tools, radios and run about in squidgey stuff while the security guard isn't there. when the security guard comes you can get a chase and bail over a wall.
leah, gaz n cam went on da conny and did the definition
by OhMiGod August 23, 2006
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When you're a lightweight when it comes to alcohol and after knowing that you've been drinking, you think that you are more drunk than you actually are.

When you think or put on an act to show how drunk, or not drunk, you actually are and often can annoy your friends.
Example 1:
Girl 1: Have you seen Sara?
Girl 2: Yeah, she's absolutely Connied!
Girl 1: I know!

Girl 2: Bit annoying really, only had on Bacardi Breezer and a can of Fosters.

Example 2:
A girl that has only had, for instance, one can of beer and one Smirnoff Ice and she's already rolling around on the floor, and her friends are becoming annoyed.
by newyearnewstart January 1, 2011
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A type of meat, often eaten by demons.
“Yesterday, I had a Conny.”
What’s that?”
A type of meat
by a.goddam.weeb January 16, 2021
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