The horrific act of super gluing someone's scrotum, pulling it up and over the penis, and adhering it to the pubic area. Usually performed on a passed out drunk.
George: Hey, where is Jerry today?
Dan: Someone conch shelled him, man. I puked when I heard about it.
George: Oh my fucking god shit! Who would do such a fucked up thing?!
Dan: Justin told me it was Brian. He hates the guy.
Justin: <pukes>. Apparently. What an asshole.
by dannyp76 September 2, 2011
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A girl the has no tits and is flat as the ocean on a calm day. Just not blue.
Damn i met a real dead conch very flat. I did and nothing was floopin
by Roast tut May 5, 2016
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having a pussy-like face and being directively singled out by it after an epic fail.
robert shot himself in the foot. he is a conche face.
by conche face 67 April 21, 2011
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One does not simply define the Magic Conch Shell. It defines you.
Magic Conch Shell, can I define you?
by CameronBri April 30, 2014
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right after you have sex doggy with a girl, you scream in her ass and hear an echo
yesterday my girlfriends conch shell was so loud, the neighbors heard it
by michael/mclovin October 24, 2007
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taking shots of liquor, preferably tequila, rum or vodka out of a conch shell by pouring liquor into the shell and drinking form the base. Usually done with a large audience of people chanting *CONCH SHELL SHOTS!* as they are taken.
Everyone at the party last night got tanked when they all did a round of conch shell shots.
by Bcorb June 26, 2011
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