v. Unintended male ejaculation caused by an action, especially unintended exposure or slippage by a female wearing too little clothing. Typically the ejaculator is one of limited sexual experience and does not possess the ability to control his "load".
Aaron -"Hey where did Nate go?

Ben -"Oh man, when that girl (motioning with hand) bent over and her tittie came flying out, Nate had a collateral ejaculation and had to run to the bathroom."
by rccola June 14, 2007
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Slaying the friends of your intended target, quite often notably less attractive.
Jennifer was really stonewalling me, luckily there was collateral slammage to be had in Christin.
by Mike Dudikoff February 18, 2006
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Deriving intended or unintended advantage from a main-event happening.
He wrote a letter to the editor about the Vancouver June 2011 riots in which he mentioned how things were so different in 1972 when Canada beat USSR in the Summit Series and Asian-origin refugees from Uganda's Idi Amin got admitted to Canada as a collateral benefit of the euphoria. In doing this he subtly mentioned that the item had been covered in his forthcoming book on Uganda Asians, thus deriving collateral benefit for his publication.
by vivauganda June 22, 2011
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Pussy that was not intended for you, but attained none the less, by being in the right place at the right time.
Guy 1: "Wow, i was wasted last night. How in the hell did I end up with sara in my bed??"

Guy 2: "Shit, I'll tell you how, she came over for me but I passed out on the couch."

Guy 1: "Oh yeah thats right, there was no one else awake. Damn, i love getting hit with collateral damage pussy!"
by Hijo De Ricardo December 5, 2010
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when you hang-out with a person who is such an asshole that when karma hits them you actually end up suffering as well...
Biff was such an asshole that, unbeknownst to Bingo, he mooned a short bus full of special-ed kids while in the back of Bingo's car... The cop that pulled Bingo over and the judge that sentenced both of them, were understandably upset, as their children were on that bus... Biff got 2yrs, Bingo, unwitting victim of Karmic Collateral Damage got 6 months and now has a unwanted boyfriend named "Bruiser"
by emmettaclown April 1, 2012
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Using a watch to make sure you pay your debt. Losing that watch if you dont.
by Evelyn's Daddy November 1, 2020
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1- Sibling, pibling, nibling, grandpibling, grandnibling, great-grandpibling, great-grandnibling, great-great-grandpibling, great-great-grandnibling, great-great-great-grandpibling, great-great-great-grandnibling, cousin, first-cousin-once-removed, first-cousin-twice-removed, first-cousin-thrice-removed, first-cousin-four-times-removed, second-cousin, second-cousin-once-removed, second-cousin-twice-removed, second-cousin-thrice-removed, third-cousin, third-cousin-once-removed, third-cousin-twice-removed, fourth-cousin, fourth-cousin-once-removed, fifth-cousin, half-sibling, half-pibling, half-nibling, half-grandpibling, half-grandnibling, half-great-grandpibling, half-great-grandnibling, half-great-great-grandpibling, half-great-great-grandnibling, half-great-great-great-grandpibling, half-great-great-great-grandnibling, half-cousin, half-first-cousin-once-removed, half-first-cousin-twice-removed, half-first-cousin-thrice-removed, half-first-cousin-four-times-removed, double-cousin, double-first-cousin-once-removed, double-first-cousin-twice-removed, double-first-cousin-thrice-removed, double-first-cousin-four-times-removed and etc.
2- parallel, along the same vein, side by side
3- corresponding; accompanying, concomitant
4- being aside from the main subject, target, or goal
5- relating to a collateral in the sense of an obligation or security
6- expensive to the extent of being paid through a loan
7- acting in an indirect way
8- coming or directed along the side
by Ramparilli June 16, 2023
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