a city next to philly in south jersey were u wiil get shot like the dude in new york did 50 times fo your new air jordans
i took a trip from newark to camden......... i got my ass directly back to newark.
by T.H.N.I.C. April 1, 2007
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CamDen is a word for a couple that don't want people to know about them
Hey look there is CamDen over there, they look so sweet together
by Chinese chicken lover December 13, 2021
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a boy that is cool nice and awesome
peron one: who is that he's cool
person two: i think it's camden
by maner rice November 1, 2018
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camden is a liar, and a cheat. He's also a MAJOR man whore, he's loud, obnoxious, and mean. He constantly wants to facetime, and always lies. He makes out with random girls while your dating, and then blame you because you don't do enough for him. He's also an idiot, and probably will end up a drug addict, and have 7 kids before 20. He also will act like he cares, but really he just wants nudes.
did u hear jenna is dating camden
oh no, someone should tell her not too
camdens a major man whore
by Nunyaforever February 28, 2019
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The most annoying, ugly,stupid,booty smellin person you will ever see
"Have you seen Camden today"

No but i dont plan on it
by camden haters March 11, 2019
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Two-phase fart attack, best employed when the victim has just stepped out of his/her office - but is hovering nearby. Phase I: Sneak into the victim's office/cubicle/personal workspace and crop dust. Quickly return to your desk. Phase II: Dial the victim's extension, luring them into the kill zone. Watch them choke. NOTE: Especially effective on days when the victim is expecting "very important" calls. This ensures the victim run to his/her office to answer the phone, before the wall of gas can escape.
Who the hell just took a shit in my office? It smells like a Camden Phonebooth in here!
by Stands With Fist December 11, 2010