A Sub-Human Nationality based in the UK.
Me: "Hey Tyrone are you British"

Tyrone: "No i'm american"
by Cletus Lester October 28, 2019
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People that are to patriotic for their own good, are always assumed to be chavs by Americans. They also have a deep hatred for secondary schools and have a shitty government.
Chav walks in. American “ they must be British”
by Lotts December 21, 2020
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To be legit at something.
That guy is so british at ultimate!
I wish I was as british at having shoulder muscles as that one guy.
by BOB SAGET123321 September 15, 2011
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fucking twat ass bitch people that think America still needs them and play the wrong kind of football.
Did you see that cute girl back there?

Yeah, she's British though.

Ick! thats fucking gross
by top ched fred May 24, 2017
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Britishness is the state or quality of being British, or of embodying British characteristics.
"I couldn't get over his Britishness"
"I dated her because of her Britishness"
"My family is full of Britishness"
"I have more Britishness in my body than anybody else"
by DrDalek February 14, 2016
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To become British like. Adapting to British customs and mannerisms. Conforming to a British lifestyle.
Steve became Britishized after living in London for 5 years.
by G-off July 19, 2006
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