the best phrase in the world! meaning "best" awesome" and any other word like that.
Wow that Jeep is ba ba bone'n.
by Andrew B Zimmerman January 13, 2011
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The little song that Windows plays when you shutdown your computer.

In urban speak, you use it to imply somebody has shut off his brain.
Dave: I think I'll turn left when...uh I'll just feel it.
Susan: be-ba-bu-ba. any maps in the car?
by TreeWeezel May 10, 2011
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BA Barraccus. Charactor portrayed by Mr T in the a team.
by Gumba Gumba February 23, 2004
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a super hot chick with big boobs, small waist, big ass, thick thighs, and sculpted calves.
any woman that looks like Kim Karadashian, or Jennifer Lopez. 'noug said. ba ba boom!
by a men's man October 31, 2011
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Generic Cunt Camel Rat Himalayas Fish Moonface Skijump Spiky

often found on boats or wanking about near watery areas. Likes young girls preferably from St Swithuns, if they are paraletic, thats a bonus.

Often seen printing pictures from MySpace and Facebook for "Happy Time" purposes. Bastard.
Your probably the worst looking person ever, and I know Ba!

Alright Ba?

Hi Ba, how are you??? Oh wait I don't care

Me:"Oi Ba! Ba! Ba! Ba!"

Ba you absolute Cunt get out of my life!

Me: Alright Ba?
by H. Badman April 9, 2008
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Something a girl who wants to be a kitty says when she sees cute animals or has nothing else to say basically. We're still not sure what it means.
by WritingAnythingLaLa December 24, 2009
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Basic Allowance for Subsistence

The pay they take out of an officer's paycheck to cover the cost of meals for the enlisted/officer from the chow hall.
I hate paying BAS, I never even eat in that crappy hall
by MissSemperFi December 16, 2010
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