A term of agreement to the previously said statement
Can be done by gesturing both hands into the form of an arrow pointing upwards or by commenting "^"
Person 1: "I didn't do my homework."
Person 2: "Up arrow"
by Starlord12 October 25, 2017
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The James Dean of the aircraft world -- "Live fast, die young, and leave a beautiful corpse". Considering that only 5 were ever flown, the Arrow has generated more books, articles, documentaries and controversy than many aircraft produced by the thousands. Virtually a secular religion to a vast array of Canadian conspiracy theorists who are convinced that the *evil Americans* were responsible for its demise.
The Avro Arrow was a Canadian interceptor aircraft from the late 1950s that never went into production.
by avgfhadsfkjbvhadsfjhbv September 1, 2006
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To overuse a meme so much that it dies within record time, causing it to be hated by all.
I used to enjoy Chuck Testa jokes, but then they took an arrow to the meme.
by Putts February 4, 2012
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The appearance of an arrow shaped gap between a buttnaked womans legs. pointing towards the holy grape defined by her curvy but and the space between her legs
Phwoar.. look at the arrow grape on her!!
by bretty888 February 21, 2014
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An overused joke/reference to Skyrim. It goes by: "I used to do/be/have/etc. a <whatever you used to do/be/have/etc>, but then I took an arrow to the knee."

Most of the time, it it completely unrelated and makes you look like an idiot.
1. I used to have a house, but I took an arrow to the knee.
2. I used to write "arrow to the knee jokes", but I took an arrow to the knee.
by AwesomeGuy123456 December 31, 2011
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A person who doesn't use alcohol, nicotine, caffeine, or other drugs. Can also be used to refer to somebody who doesn't party, cuss, stay out late, or engage in other risky activities.
That dude is such a straight arrow; all he does is drink water and read the Bible.
by shearay02 October 29, 2007
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The parallel brown lines left on the porcelain of a toilet bowl after a flush.

These resemble the smoke lines left by the precision aerobatic team the Red Arrows of the British Royal Air Force.
"I don't know who was last in that toilet but it looks like the Brown Arrows sure put on a good display..."
by Cheviot Ranter April 17, 2009
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