The sudden need to take a dump. Often randomly placed in a conversation.
Ray: Did you see that story on the news yesterday?
Stephen: Cosby Alert! Be right back!
by Element238 April 22, 2010
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Found primarily on social network sites like Facebook or Myspace, an alert rape is when an individual's profile is flooded with updates/notifications/alerts due to friends sending them massive amounts of applications or messages. Thus they are forced to deal with the epic quantity of notices.
Guy: "I hadn't logged onto facebook for a few months, and when I got back on, I got freaking alert raped with apps my friends sent me"
by Carf8198 February 18, 2009
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A warning issued to friends or co-workers that a public facility has been polluted by human waste or flatulence, either yours or another person's.
Bart issued a Brown Alert in the first floor men's room this afternoon because he had Mexican Food for lunch.
by Philo Beddoe November 14, 2008
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Something you say when you and your friends notice several skanky people approaching you.
"Uh Oh, there's those chicks that smoke cigarettes in the bathroom. Skank alert!"
by Sheila Serio September 30, 2004
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An exciting event that involves the left overs from a yard sale that are now free. also makes for a great insult.
by dontUwish2 July 15, 2010
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Comment used when someone says something of utter uselessness, or that only they care about
"OMG she's like totally wearing my shirt"
"Oh no...should I alert the media?"
by yeah_its_me09 May 11, 2006
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sudden realization that a bitch has enterd your area
also know a your bitch radar
I just got a sudden bitch alert

bitch alert, bitch alert she just entered the room
by jason1228 December 6, 2009
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