Shitting RP game. The admins are corrupt and ban people with little evidence so they look like their good at their job.
Guy 1 : I play After The Flash: Mirage on Roblox

Guy 2 : Fuck you
by FuckYou_StopLookingAtMyName February 20, 2021
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When you think you just saw your Blackberry or smartphone flash (the result of a message) in your peripheral vision, so you go check your phone but to your surprise, it was just a message mirage.
Dude after I sent that risky text I was so happy to see my phone blinking, but turns out it was just a damn message mirage.
by KravingYou February 11, 2011
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someone that has drip and too much robux, also very very smexy
Look at that person, he is a Mirage the coomlord!
by Ayesyeys May 9, 2021
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Hair problems? Just take the new street drug I invented called Mirage. It will dehydrate you until you look like you have perfect Disney Ariel bangs in the mirror while simultaneously lowering your credit score.
Karen looked in the mirror and wondered, am I actually mermaid.. what is a credit card.. look at this stuff, isn't it neat? The Mirage was not her credit score or the drug, she is looking for electricity and a mirror under the sea!
by Lil Vicky January 27, 2022
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who’s sexy? i’m sexy. i’m sexy. fuck it up !
mirage is so damn sexy - ik i am
by jajakakajsjdd November 26, 2021
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Get good before u gonna see this :D
by Mirageeee December 29, 2022
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