I'm dat bitch. Been that bitch. Still that bitch. Will forever be that bitch 💅🏻
Person who was born on 28 August is literally the coolest!
by ceo.of.procrastinator October 16, 2020
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My birthday! Who ever is born on March 28 give them a big hug and say happy birthday because they deserve to be loved they are also smart and the kindest person ever
Bff:hugs freind

Freind:why did you hug me

Bff:happy birthday!
And happy birthday to all the March 28 people
by Tealmean November 20, 2021
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March 28th is the day you give your gf your hoodies and hugs
Hey babe it’s March 28 *gives her a hug and the sweatshirt*
by Koolkid08 March 26, 2021
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A day in history which commemorates how Larry got more exposed than any other day. A day in which a series of tweets were posted which many larries celebrate because it is said that in this day Louis and Harry got married.
September 28, 2018, is the fifth year anniversary of the Larry wedding.

larry stylinson one direction louis tomlinson harry styles tomlinson styles
by .dot.dot.dot.dot. December 9, 2017
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Steve: “Hey did you know Henry the Eighth died on January 28th
Second Guy: “Oh my god Steve shut up I don’t fucking care”
by stupid moron disease October 16, 2019
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It’s national let your girlfriend do WHATEVER she’s wants to do!
Boy:uh oh it’s December 28th
by Whyareyousogay November 9, 2019
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People born on this day have the energy of a crackhead
Person 1: Why is she acting like this
Person 2: She was born on January 28
by ahhhhhh66579 October 23, 2019
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