commonly mistaken for another abbreviation, it is in all actuality short for "bottomless juice"
Hey guys, lets all go to Lyons for some burgers and bjs!
by playette January 29, 2000
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it happens always when you do sex. (as part of foreplay) so the penis got hard before doing it in a womans sex organ, whether its oral or anal...
BJ me first so i'l get hard and wet.
by mElai April 2, 2006
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Abreviation for Banana juice
Yo that guy is gettin a bj from that hot chick!
by bURGOf October 23, 2003
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A Time when you are so horny you pay a bitch ((Drag-Queens preferably)) To suck or lick your family jewls.
Yesterday i payed a thurstie Hobo to suck my cock -- afterwards they wern't thurstie anymore.
by Kennie December 13, 2003
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Abbreviation for the Queer As Folk couple Brian/Justin.
bj are ment for eachother.
by Mel-i October 29, 2006
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Bro 1: Did you hear Bro 3 got a Bj the other day?
Bro 2: Yeah too bad she was in the redzone otherwise he would've tapped that.
by Ladies' man 313 January 23, 2012
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