the impression that your belt leaves on the underside of your muffin top often painful. Causing redmarks
Damn, after sitting at my desk for 5 hours, i got belt belly, it kills!
by r4p3r March 2, 2011
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A phrase you use if your from westwood/chad, its equivalent to "oh shit" a word to use when your shocked. Originated from the one and only shakz (also known as shakeal amin)
Person 1 Amzy: Yo my bro ive got a new dinger jump in!
Person 2 Shakz: Bhelor beltttt! My donny get out the whip its mine now
by Armanul- Atif Haque November 24, 2021
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When you get beat with the belt buckle
Benson got belted on his ass and his mom's ass
by Neighborhooddeeznuts July 12, 2022
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Wrapping a belt around one thigh and back of your neck so you can synch your head down in order to perform a blowjob on yourself.
Couldn't get that prude to give me a blow job last night so I dropped her off and used the ol belt trick when I got home.
by Jebadiah leemus November 21, 2020
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