Logic that surpasses anyones logic and can only be understood by humans with higher knowledge of the worlds inner workings
Well done you’ve ascended to Gaz Logic
by Ben Greet August 3, 2022
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The concieved notion that you can accomplish anything, simply because it is required of you in that moment. Even if you have no background of doing this or there's been no setup for you being able to do this in the past.
Basically a lousy way to explain away a Deus Ex Machina.
As seen on the Flash:
The Flash somehow manages to get a train to vibrate at the same speed he is, so that the train goes through some rubble in the road.
Kid Flash: "How did you do that?"
Flash: "Because I had to."
Me, watching the show: That's some Flash train-logic right there!"
by BoxerJoe June 2, 2017
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A useful set of 'refutational tools' whose usage is mainly seen in random internet arguments but can also equally be applied in the IRL realm too, such as against your wife or your boss. The former scenario is where people often abuse logical fallacies to the point of committing a fallacy fallacy, so be wise and use them sparingly and only as a supplement to your argument.

Also related to non sequitur.
1) Jim called out his boss by using logical fallacies to poke holes in his ridiculous decisions.
2) Tommy used logical fallacies to his advantage in order to expose the inconsistencies in his girlfriend's reasoning with regards to how he should spend his money.
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where two people in completely seperate countries are thinking about exactly the same thing, or are thinking on the same lines but incompletely different places
two people are chatting on MSN, and they both think of the same thing at teh same time.

Mr Harlow, the white knight, gotta love broken feet! says:
some of the notes are just abit too high!

oo strugglin wit the high notes

Mr Harlow, the white knight, gotta love broken feet! says:
belly logic!
by Mr Man1 March 30, 2008
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When somebody is so high on drugs or something else to where their lies make no sense their stories have no point and they try to convince people and believe their selves that they make sense
My boyfriend actually thinks he's convincing with his junkie logic when you tell me some b******* story that makes up to a no sense.
by Darthfraai November 4, 2023
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When arguing with a partner, and to get them to see reason, you bust a nut in any sensory organ causing them to change their stance on the situation.
My girlfriend wouldn't let me hang out with the boys until I gave her some liquid logic.
by Otterly Surreal April 6, 2023
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something Trevor will never understand,

deffinition: the way in which Mia and her perfectly perfect life think that no one understands because it will only make sense to a Mia.
Mia logic said by Mia: being b is a.
by Logic.mia April 11, 2015
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