A Bogan-Australian term for an arrogant French person.
French Guy: Sacre bleu, ziss beer taste like many men have urinated into a bottle and served it cold
Aussie guy: Shut up ya Frog jockey!
by m1nus0ne November 19, 2011
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A woman who takes advantage of a Simp. Simp maker. Entertains Simps for material things in return without actually doing anything for the Simp. The woman may have several Simps trying to win her over. But she doesn’t givaaa fuck about them.
He’s a Simp, he will do anything for me just for my attention.

Phhhhh why there so many damm Simps in my snap?

Who makes Simps? Jockeys. They ride yaaaa, till they reach their destination then hop off that

Jockey/Jocks- A woman who takes advantage of a Simp
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some one who buys,collects,hordes,etc sperm,someone can really be a jockey for anything
sean watson and mike hagen were makin fun of that sperm jockey chode face carter adams

that kid carter adams is sucha sperm jockey
by Mike-and-Sean124321234 May 29, 2011
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A person who does all the gens. A person who never gets off the generator. As soon as he is done with a generator, he immediately goes to another one.
“Yea this guy is doing all the gens, he’s a gen jockey” or “ I’m gonna do all the gens and be a gen jockey”
by Lil dicc god October 29, 2019
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A person who finds extreme pleasure in riding a penis.
Hey Look at Jim go! I always knew he was a Tube Jockey!
by Tubejockey February 11, 2022
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Damn she can ride a horse really well, I bet she’s a cum jockey
by Quite fdbwjj October 20, 2019
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People who dick ride someone trying to gain benefit
"Look at those Jackasses defending Elon Musk on twitter like they're going to get something from it"
"What a bunch of Cum Jockeys"
by CockPeener June 1, 2021
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