The, unattainable, unicorn-like, fantasy crush of a gay man known only to him and those closest to him EXCEPT his primary partner, who must always know NOTHING of the secret pretend boyfriend.
Don't tell Josh that Ryan Seacrest is my secret pretend boyfriend!
by myth ookami July 10, 2011
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jizz ; an impending orgasm
Right before I busted a nut, I whispered in my girlfriend's ear: "I got secret squirrel for ur pussy"
by Rex Code March 9, 2012
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another name for sergio. and means the mother fucker corny
many he pop secret
by Anonymous June 5, 2003
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People who are sketchy characters and or people who look like their in a bad mood due to crazy facial expressions, and or asshole behavior.
Nyes sir sir, secret police sir... Nyesss Sir, Sir.


Dood that guy is secret police for sure man.
by Erick Duseldor December 28, 2007
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A secret kept between two friends of any gender. The difference between a regular secret and a blood brother's secret is that a B.B.S is taken to the grave with both people.
Person 1: Hey, don't tell my girlfriend about what happened last night
Person 2: Sure thing, blood brother's secret.
by giraffe112 September 26, 2015
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group of females that maintain the Secret Ninja notebook. They are all very alluring, sexy girls-who are always together, and always, laughing.
"I want to be in the s.n. society! they are SO cool..."
by Allie January 19, 2004
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