When you're doing anal with your partner, then go soft to pee in their butt. You let your junk marinate in piss (like a cucumber turning into a pickle), then once you pull out, you drink the pickle juice.
"Dude, did you hear? Randy gave Kurt the ol' Vlasic Classic last night!"
by anongonwild November 10, 2017
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“I got fired and now I have to shill for the conservatives so I don’t have to be a slave like the rest of the peasants 😢” ~ Fine one “classical liberal” who doesn’t have this exact backstory.... Go ahead.... I’ll wait... I actually DARE you to find a single one that doesn’t have this backstory. Classical liberals are the “Vindicators” of modern society.
Hym “Hey, Classical liberal... what do you believe?”

Classical liberal “Well, I believe whatever I need to believe to wield my grotesquely limited skill set against the populous...”

Hym “But what do you REALLY believe?”

Classical liberal “wHaT dO yOu mEaN bY bElIeVe!?!?!?”

Hym “Tsssk 🤦 ♂️.... Jesus Christ... Yeah... I see why you were fired... Ok. Hold on... Ok, I just started a business. You’re officially my first employee.”

Classical liberal “No thanks I...”

Hym “You’re fired.... Aw God, yeah...That’s better. Sorry but it’s almost impossible to NOT fire someone as tedious as you, I mean, holy shit! 😩 That feels so much better!”

Classical liberal “Iam! Please you have to hire me I’ll say whatever you want! 😭”

Iam “Wha... I... I don’t own a business. What are you... You didn’t even want the job! Stop... You're getting snot on me...”

Classical Liberal “PLEASE!!” 😭

Iam “I... I don’t know what to do here... You got fired by Hym so now you’re groveling at my feet for a job because... I’m the opposite? You don’t have to... I think he’s doing a bit... Are... Are you a part of the bit? I don’t understand what’s happening here...”

Hym “He can’t help it Iam... It’s in his nature. You have to hire him. If you don’t he’ll have to be like everyone else and work for his money! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAA!”
by Hym Iam November 23, 2022
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Some good cunt with an even better cunt older brother. Hairy as a bear and jewish to the days
Oi thats a bit clarkish, na thats classic clarky behaviour
by classic sharky October 16, 2010
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Whenever a man or a woman is on top during sexual intercourse and shouts, "Now this is podracing!"
"So my boyfriend is a huge Star Wars and decided to pull a Boonta Eve Classic last night by shouting, 'Now this is podracing!' During sex last night."
by That_Sheetz_Guy April 25, 2018
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An old hookup whom you have lost contact with, only to bring her back, in order to simulate the feeling of a new hookup.
"We should get some new ladies, although nothing feels newer than a classic chick"
by Mrgrumpykins April 6, 2011
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A school full of dummies, but they actually work hard. This school gives you tons and tons of schoolwork to do and it will make you stress asf! But you know, its called pre-college work, so like yea. BUT BUT overall don't go date no guys over there too, they are all stupid and dumb ass fucks too!
Hey, you heard about Nova Classical Academy?
Yeah? Why?
Its kinda gay
by Whatifs March 1, 2023
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Term for when throw up on your shlong and have your other succ it off during a bj
Aye baby wanna try my Colburn classic.
by Asura1223 May 1, 2017
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