The eye crusties that form in the corners of your eyes while you sleep.
"Hey you got a sleepy booger in your left eye."
by Wen November 19, 2013
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by September 24, 2020
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The White Booger refers to a shitboxvehicle, any make or model, which color is white. The White Booger constantly runs like shit regardless of how much money you dump into it. The White Booger won't die because it's cursed to run like shit forever causing the owner frustration, grief, and an empty wallet. The only way to rid yourself of the curse is to sell the pile of shit to an unsuspecting ass bastard.
John would be a wealthy and happy man but he owns The White Booger so he is cursed to be poor and miserable!!
by Pickles84 December 11, 2016
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When you leave a booger in a vagina to see if she’s for the streets. If it’s gone the next time you have sex she gets around
example 1: I left a pussy booger in my gf it wasn’t there the next time we fucked. Turns out she’s been fucking her cousin

Example 2: My one night stand had a pussy booger in her. Shit got on my dick.
by Legendaryshopbesties December 10, 2021
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When a woman takes a creampie and doesn't wash it off , which forms a mucus like crust on the ham wallet.....
I went to eat Becky out but stopped cause she had a pussy booger....
by Awesomox June 9, 2014
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A vaginal discharge or secretion form ones pussy resulting in a booger like substance.
by StaleBread May 22, 2018
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The left over, slimy goo that gets blown out of her vagina when she sneezes, after having sex.

Like a snot rocket, but from her pussy.
"Dude, you should have seen the size of the PUSSY BOOGER Kristy had come flying out of her pussy last night after we fucked." " We were laying on the bed naked, and she sneezed, and a huge PUSSY BOOGER came shooting out of her pussy!"
by smknbooboo69 December 23, 2022
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