When one sits in the cubical to defecate but sits on the throne for far to long the smell sinks into ones clothing causing one to drag the smell around with them.
Simon came back into the office after sitting on the toilet for a while and Kevin asked who bought in the drag factor ?
by Robo Snoopo August 20, 2019
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A LIFE SCORE 0...9 we

A political position in the world

A digit or character in series where there is variation but there is a clear DOMAIN AND RANGE where there is never a REMAINDER.


MALAYSIA and SINGAPORE are 18 (666) in representation in the world countries in the STATE OF FACTOR.

16784 has the various SETS and each are unique in value for the STATE OF FACTOR of each adds up to no remainder.

367 is PERFECT as really a NEW YEAR does not start until after holidays JANUARY 1 AND JANUARY 2 as the STATE OF FACTOR.
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Used for ranking how hot a chick is. The Ho Factor decreases the hotness for being a slut.
Person 1: Hey look how hot that chick is!
Person 2: Yeah, but once you put in The Ho Factor...
Person 1: Oh, you're right. She's not that hot now.
by dirtygirlfree April 19, 2011
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A measure, in number of fingers (nail side-up), the width between a womans legs at the point of the crotch.
That chick is so fit, she must be a model especially with a Kranstant Factor of about 3-3.5
by LordFarquaad May 15, 2011
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The formation of sunrays leaking through stratus clouds. With no pun intended, this phrase was fabricated out of thin air and is now widely used in such places as it's orgin -- Baghdad, Iraq. Other places you may hear this phrase used often is in Colorado Springs, CO. Also referred to as "SF" or some may simply call it, "The Factor".
I don't think it's going to rain because Scillium Factor is starting to take effect in the distance.
by Imbuidomus Maximus August 8, 2008
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A highly motivating person who usually is part of a group or team that boosts the morale of the group with a sense of humour and compassion for everyone that they are involved with .
Geez that Amanda is the Fun Factor she brings so much energy to the team with her sense of humour and energy which motivates us all !!!
by Bull71 October 2, 2018
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When you set a new “standard” on eating habits and weight, while believing they are good for you even though they aren’t. So you continue to eat the same way regardless of the negative damaging effects to ones self.
While visiting the doctors about my high blood pressure, cholesterol levels and weight, the doctor explained the road I was on would lead to death. But !! Also explained, The new Male standard for weight and eating habits, which he called The BRISTOL factor. So to celebrate, I took the family out for some high end Carbohydrates
by Greenteam04 July 20, 2021
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