this is what you say to someone when it's early and you have no come backs and they say you look like they're big toe
tanner - you look like my big toe

leila- you look like my big toe-ER
by leila1215 November 22, 2019
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XD: woah it’s butt(er) cup
that’s the meaning of butt er cup
by buttercupHELP November 24, 2021
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When a beginner osu! player says they can play high star maps after a few days of experience, but they had NoFail(NF) on all along, shocking experienced players and temporarily make them regret ever trying.
Beginner: Hey bro, I just started playing osu! and it seems really fun! I can kind of play 6-star maps right now.
Pro: Bruh.
Beginner: Yeah, NoFail is pretty nice.
Pro: Ah yes, they just jabaited me by pulling an osu! NoFail-er.
by Square_One376 January 2, 2021
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Someone, 13 and above, Having skills similar to that of a Toddler or a Pre-schooler.

Commonly used in a Derogatory way.
Jordan said "That drawing is fucking trash, you Pihg-er-Li piece of shirt"
by Toddlideus March 22, 2023
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someone who tweets absolute bangers the whole time!
person: oomf is so cool!

person2: they’re banger-ers!
by Girlsbabd02 May 19, 2021
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Someone who only reads about a quarter of your text and completely misses the point you are making. A text skimmer
His 25%er habits caused frequent miscommunications
by batgirl1965 August 10, 2017
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When you hire a prostitute to stick a frozen stick of butter up their as in order to warm it, making it spreadable and or liquified.
Hey guys, I'm hiring a couple Butt-er Warmers for our lobster dinner tonight. When will you be here?
by DERDZ December 31, 2021
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