the act of hitting a saran wrapped Lava Big Boy so vigorously it pops the plastic over the mouth piece

also hitting a Lava Big Boy while participating in any other variation of a hot plate.
"Wow! That New Jersey Hot Plate just got me buzzed!"
"Really? I should try that instead of a Pittsburgh Hot plate!"
by nj lover July 3, 2023
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the act of hitting a saran wrapped Lava Big Boy so vigorously it pops the plastic over the mouth piece

also hitting a Lava Big Boy while participating in any other variation of a hot plate.

email with questions at:
"Wow! That New Jersey Hot Plate just got me buzzed!"
"Really? I should try that instead of a Pittsburgh Hot plate!"
by nj lover July 3, 2023
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Custard plate:

When a person(s) cum's on a person's back and then proceeds to eat it off with two spoons like you would Custard off a plate.
"hey bro let's custard plate this chick"

"I just pulled a custard plate on this girl"
by Willystackersmacker123 June 4, 2021
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A phrase to describe a situation or person that is a real mess and does not have their shit together. Even thought breaking one plate causes a mess, it’s just an accident, but when two plates break - it is a true disaster.
Our country is a complete two plate disaster.

Did you see that dude at the party last night? He was a two plate disaster.
by Shmecca October 11, 2019
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When someone says something and think they did that
Child:your mama so fat she had to squeeze her cheeks when she goes to the toilet

Me: gimme that plate.. dumbass
by Blackgyall February 8, 2022
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As soon as the slopes open, you see 10 times as many idiot white plates around here.
by icecoldblizzard June 13, 2023
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A normal plate made from porcelain or glass. The southeastern Ohio valley believes that porcelain and glass are synonymous determining plate. Not paper. Not styrofoam. Not plastic. Most often not even glass. In most cases refers exclusively to porcelain.
Hey, WeeDunn grab me a glass plate for the burgers.
by Norris2930 May 13, 2017
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