A recipe for destruction of your mind.
Take some closeknit families of the italian variety, a few al quaeda operatives, jewish scriptwriters, and some all powerful freemasons, add in some A-list movie stars, stir till they all turn into vampires, stir in in some coke from some pop stars on narcotics, cook in a hot oven of the secret service "'hacker'' variety, and sprinkle with a little celebrity papparazzi a la gossip girl and perez hilton wrapped up in newspapers.

You then have a sorry state of one screwed up bunch of scrambled eggs Victoria, good luck unscrambling this one.
eggs a la victoria

-a million star dining.... tastes like madness, mayhem, chaos theory, insanity.... a delectable little mess i'll be eating up at home alone in bed. For the term of my natural life.
by scrambled egg masterchef January 18, 2011
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Someone who is extremely jeealous, ugly and annoying. A victoria is a person who thinks they are somethinf cool but they arent.
Dutette 1: ughh shes so annoying and jealous of everyone.
Dudette 2: she must be a victoria fenech
by Victoria fenech June 1, 2022
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Kaylee Victoria White is the most gorgeous woman on the entire face of the planet and more then likely the universe. Scientific research has proven this as fact until further exploration. She’s the greatest, smartest, toughest, most gorgeous individual you will ever encounter. She’s a terrific mom and anyone whoever meets her is extremely lucky. Shes one of gods greatest gifts to humanity.
What’s hotter then a spark? A fire. What’s hotter then a fire? The sun. What’s hotter then the sun? Super Nova. What’s hotter then a Super Nova? Kaylee Victoria White!
by Imadudeguy July 9, 2022
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one who enjoys degredation and being the victim of narcassistic abuse
by mjboud September 18, 2019
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Shittest school in ends. Fuck Mr nandi the fag. Most of the mans that go there are snakes 🐍. Only loyal mans in the school are rahat ahsan yahye and hudzz. All the girls are clapped 🤮. Go sym if ur reading this
Ark victoria shit school
by U don't know me g October 9, 2021
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A Victoria McGhee is usually a short, hot, brown haired, green eyed, sexy beast that is a complete and utter bitch but will only be nice to her best friend. A Victoria McGhee has a really hot best friend. When it is a girl there name is either Abbey or Jasmine, for a guy it’s either Bailey or Finn. Victoria McGhee’s are overall super nice and sexy people. (They usually have more than one nationality and love to sing and make POV tik toks)
Look at that Victoria McGhee,

isn’t she hot?
by tori.mcgory May 6, 2020
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