The Pitchfork Hipster is usually a male around 16-20 years of age who relies solely on Pitchfork Media for music news. Any review garnering high scores on the web site is an instant new favorite, and vice versa. The Pitchfork Hipster usually has no conception of music criticism or taste, and relies on the opinions of a vaguely defined "expert" to guide them to music they "like."
Ironically, the Pitchfork Hipster usually employs an elitist attitude towards other music listeners, assuming that knowledge of the "largest indie music website on the internet" gives them free reign to deride the music listening habits of others.
Anthony is a wanna-be Pitchfork Hipster. All his recently acquired music is rated highly by Pitchfork. He feigns a wide-reaching musical barometer, despite the fact that he has no conception of the genre, techniques, style, or history of any independent musical group.
by CouldBAnyone December 4, 2006
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A pretentious, bohemian wanna-be, who frequents various coffee shops. He loves to spout his artiste-poseur opinions loudly in everyday conversation to anyone who will listen, so that his strong opinions can be heard by random strangers that he pines to impress. Almost always knows less than he tries so hard to convey. Usually has a laptop hooked up to wi-fi, yet rarely if ever touches the keyboard. Prefers to sit outside at the sidewalk table if possible so that he can be seen by as many cool locals as possible. Prides himself of being hip as evidenced by donning the latest trendy, hipster, hair-do. i.e., dreadlocks, shaved head, etc...
The "java-hipster" raved loudly to his nose-ringed buddies about the latest Johnny Depp film as the irritated cafe patrons feigned a yawn in his direction to show obvious annoyance at his pathetic attempts to be heard by all.
by ZonaCat Hansen July 11, 2008
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A social disorder involving ridiculous habits of dress associated with solely with Hipsters, examples include goofy sunglasses, nut-hugger jeans, and shirts with images of food on them. Hipster Irony leaves the victim mentally incapable of determining how stupid they look. Side Effects include snide attitudes, bad taste in music, a predisposition for shitty beer, and a complete lack of the motor skills used to part ones hair. Hipster Irony is also extremely contagious and outbreaks have been reported at malls across America.
"I told that Hipster his bright red pants and white sunglasses made him look like the village idiot, and he responded, 'I Know', and smiled. Must be another victim of Hipster Irony."
by Gavriel.Discordia June 7, 2016
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A group of hipsters. Similar to saying "a pride of lions" or "a murder of crows"
Oh my god, did you see that hemp of hipsters sitting in the Lower Left dining hall blasting Crystal Castles?
by ryshh12 March 7, 2011
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A person who will boast or brag about seeing a video on YouTube before it became popular and got a lot of views.
Regular person: "Dude, I saw that Evolution of Dance video on YouTube last night; that video has almost 170 million views! That guy is pretty good!"

YouTube Hipster: "Yeah, I remember watching that video before anyone was talking about it. It only had, like, 5 thousand views at time..."

Regular person: "I hate you."
by BloodShed269 April 6, 2011
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A young person, typically male, in the San Francisco Architectural Engineer community that thinks they are both a professional and local hipster. A Hipster Engineer is typically identified in office environments by their large unkempt mustaches, tight pants and flannel shirts. Thick rimmed glasses are a plus in the wardrobe.
His Hipster Engineer persona did not go well with the SOM team.
by DXLM8T8sm8kBRxWJlnojbfz18AqMw December 2, 2014
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When some type of hipster activity goes terribly wrong. An epic fail in the hipster lifestyle.
Hipster Disaster on the way to work my chain fell off my fixie.

I had a major Hipster Disaster this morning, the line for my morning latte was a block long.

The barista at the Blue Bottle got his beard stuck in the latte foamer, total Hipster Disaster.
by sveesible August 30, 2012
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