when autocorrect is drunk and autocorrects netflix to “meat flick”
“wow meat flick is more important than us” -feral gays
by feralgayslave September 8, 2021
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A movie made for the primary purpose of showcasing a racially, ethnically and/or sexually diverse cast to signal virtue to a politically charged audience.
"That all-black muslim lesbian remake of 'Porky's' sounds like it might just be a diversity flick with very little added meaning in relation to the original."
by SeamusMac November 2, 2018
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A genre characterized by the slow methodical pacing for deliberate artistic effect, often containing scenes with little or no dialog and minimal action in order to emphasize a specific mood, tone, or circumstance.
Barry Lyndon is an excellent example of an inaction flick.
by DanaDiederich August 25, 2023
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A rocket league maneuveour
Person 1: "Yo Zach I just did a crusty flick"
Person 2 (zach) : " Yo I smell awful all the time"
by Dingleflap69420 October 27, 2020
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1. A euphemism for male masturbation; Synonymous with jacking off, spanking the monkey, wanking, etc.
1. Don't flick your bic in public.
by Buttfuckme June 22, 2021
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