And extremely attractive and good looking guy who is completely hilarious and very attractive and good looking! Thinks nerds are cute or something
Dork: Goodnight Nerd :)
Nerd: goodnight dork :)
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A dork is...
1.) An irritable but enjoyable person
2.) A term used for somebody who intentionally says stupid stuff in a joking way, like "you're such a dork lol"
3.) A dork can be a hair on an elephants asshole. Either one of these three.
"You're such a dork Jordan ffs"
"Did you see that fat ass dork dude?"
by pseudonymacronym February 12, 2019
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Sam to Dan “Damn did you see how big that whales dork?!”Dan to Sam “Yeah it was huge!”
by marsky10 August 25, 2022
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Usually named Justin. Loves baseball and has a best friend. His daughter and his best friends daughter are best friends. Sucks at everything but loves coaching baseball in little league.
Justin is a dork.
by Matoriod659 July 16, 2021
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